Mixon's Morality

An anonymous scout recently said former Oklahoma star and NFL Draft hopeful Joe Mixon isn't "half the d*****bag" Tyreek Hill was. Hill's backstory has been well publicized. He brutally beat his girlfriend in college upon finding out she was pregnant, only to be drafted by the Kansas City Chiefs in the fifth round of last year's NFL Draft. Mixon made headlines for cold-cocking a girl so hard that she needed to have a surgical procedure to rearrange her jaw. 

This NFL scout saying that Mixon is not "half the d*****bag" Tyreek Hill was sounds a lot like a scout who is trying to justify drafting a felon. While, everyone makes mistakes, some are more egregious and seemingly more unforgivable than others. Brutally assaulting another individual is one that should be unforgivable. Unless you are talented enough to help an NFL team win. In that case it is okay. And the NFL wonders why it has a domestic violence problem.